Is it possible and how to get a loan without a credit card in an MFI microfinance organization

Is it possible and how to get a loan without a credit card in an MFI microfinance organization
Is it possible and how to get a loan without a credit card in an MFI microfinance organization

Best online loans

1000 PhP. Return
1000 PhP. Take
0 PhP. Overpayment
First loan: Maximum amount: Loan term:
1000 - 7000 PhP 20000 PhP 30-180 days
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96% Approved
1000 PhP. Return
1000 PhP. Take
0 PhP. Overpayment
First loan: Maximum amount: Loan term:
1000 - 20000 PhP 20000 PhP 30-90 days
0% interest rate for new clients
Best Choice
1 000 PhP. Return
1 000 PhP. Take
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First loan: Maximum amount: Loan term:
1000 - 10 000 PhP 25 000 PhP 90-180 days
0% interest rate for new clients
96% Approved
Best Choice
1 000 PhP. Return
1 000 PhP. Take
0 PhP. Overpayment
First loan: Maximum amount: Loan term:
500 - 20 000 PhP 20 000 PhP 90-180 days
0% interest rate for new clients

In this article:

► Is it possible and how to get a loan without a credit card

► Loans without a card in an MFI: reasons for the need for such a service

► 2 ways to get a loan without a bank card

► How to apply for an online loan without a card and get a cash loan

Is it possible and how to get a loan without a credit card

You can get a microloan without a cash card in microfinance organizations MFIs, such a service is possible even in the absence of a bank card, but not in all microcredit organizations, so it is necessary to clarify in advance the possibility of such a loan.

Microloans without a card are usually issued by the largest MFIs that are in the Philippine market. Therefore, we recommend that you apply for such loans by submitting applications to 4-5 such credit institutions, this will increase the possibility of a positive approval.

In order to receive such a loan, you must also provide a minimum package of documents for the formation of an application. Those are:

  • The passport
  • TIN
  • Answer questions on the application

Loans without a card in an MFI: reasons for the need for such a service

Almost 95% of all loans issued by MFIs are transferred to a bank card - so if you need 5,000 PHP on a card urgently, this is a great tool. This method of obtaining a loan is very convenient for both the microfinance organization itself and the borrower.

But there are situations when you need to get a loan without a bank card; this may be, for example, for one of the following reasons:

  • The bank card has expired, but the money is needed now
  • Bank card blocked by the bank
  • The bank card is lost, and a new one has not yet been issued by the bank

In such cases, the only possible option for obtaining a loan can only be to issue it in cash at a branch of a microfinance organization; accordingly, only large MFOs that have physical branches where you can call in and receive cash money should be considered as a lender.

2 ways to get a loan without a bank card

  1. The first method of obtaining a loan without a card is to visit an offline branch of a credit institution, fill out an application with a loan officer and receive money in cash.
  2. The second method, which is suitable in this case, is to apply for someone else's card, for example, for a wife's or husband's card.

How to apply for an online loan without a card and get a cash loan

Applying for a loan online without a card is no different from filling out an application if the card is available - especially if you need 1000 PHP urgently on the card. The same package of documents is indicated for the formation of the application, only in the comments to it you need to indicate that the card is not available to you.

On our Monetochka website, you can sort in the catalog of all offers only those MFIs that issue applications without a card, and form 4-5 applications for such a loan, and after approval, call in and collect cash at the MFI branch. Funds are issued without commission, insurance and collateral.

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1 000 PhP. Return
1 000 PhP. Take
0 PhP. Overpayment
First loan: Maximum amount: Loan term:
1 000 - 30 000 PhP 30 000 PhP 90 - 720 days
0.00% interest rate for new clients
Best Choice
1 000 PhP. Return
1 000 PhP. Take
0 PhP. Overpayment
First loan: Maximum amount: Loan term:
1000 - 10 000 PhP 25 000 PhP 90-180 days
0% interest rate for new clients
1 130 PhP. Return
1 000 PhP. Take
130 PhP. Overpayment
First loan: Maximum amount: Loan term:
1 000 - 30 000 PhP 30 000 PhP 30 days
0.43% interest rate for new clients
96% Approved
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1 000 PhP. Take
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500 - 20 000 PhP 20 000 PhP 90-180 days
0% interest rate for new clients

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