Getting money on a card without bank checks is not only difficult, but almost impossible. You need to bring a large number of documents, prove your solvency, attract guarantors or decide on a pledge. In addition, even if you have done all of this, you can still be denied a loan if you have a zero or negative credit history. What to do if you need a small loan on a card in an MFI?
What to do in this case? It is in such situations that it is more expedient to contact the MFI. Such companies can provide microloans without credit checks. In order to issue it, you only need to submit an application via the Internet, and the required amount will be credited to your card or electronic wallet. In most cases, applications are considered within a few minutes, the percentage of approvals is very high.
To get a microloan without checking a credit history, as well as a credit card at 0%, you must meet the following requirements:
Thus, almost anyone can become an MFI client: a student, a pensioner, a freelancer, a woman on maternity leave, etc.
What documents are required to apply for a microloan without a credit history?
All you need to get a microloan without checking your credit history is a passport of a citizen of the Philippines and any device with Internet access. Additional documents, guarantees and collateral are not required.
The standard conditions for issuing loans by microfinance organizations are as follows:
On our website you will find a large number of MFI offers without checking your credit history, so you can choose the most attractive conditions. Once you have decided on the company where you will receive a loan, follow these steps to get a loan in 5 minutes:
In most cases, money is credited instantly. Only sometimes there may be delays due to the fault of the recipient bank.
What you need to do to definitely get a microloan without a credit history:
It should also be noted that if you constantly apply to the same microfinance company, you may be offered more favorable loan terms - a decrease in the interest rate and an increase in the limit. Therefore, before contacting an MFI for the first time, carefully read the conditions offered by different organizations. We have specially collected sites for you where you can apply for microloans on a card without checking your credit history, which means that you can easily choose the right offer.